Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm a big Christian

I have to pretend to be a Christian here with most people, which is kinda annoying for an agnostic / atheist. I don't really have to do anything except bluff my way though some questioning occasionally (I showed some Muslim students round a church recently - 'Umm, I think that's Saint Peter') but Palestinian friends and strangers will always ask what we consider to be private questions, one of them being what religion you are. Apparently to most Palestinians the concept of Atheism is at best ridiculous and at worst offensive, and since I always have to be careful here with all I say and do it's best to keep quiet.

(Almost every day I am asked if I am married also, and when I say no they are bemused and ask why not. Palestinians are married off aged 20-25 usually. At the age of 31 I am made to feel like an old maid).

It's a very verbal culture here, and because I am a foreigner and a teacher I'm particularly vulnerable to gossip. A few months ago an American Palestinian teacher at this Uni was literally hounded out by an angry mob after prescribing on her syllabus a graphic novel (Perspepolis) that had an image of God in it. I think this was used as somewhat of an excuse because she had become unpopular in some quarters, but it was a stark warning to the rest of us. She wasn’t backed up by the Administration and had to flee quick smart after death threats, proving there’s no justice like angry mob justice!

Religion and students rule the roost here, and us humble teachers merely keep in line and do our best. This can cause one to be somewhat paranoid, and I try to be careful but it can be frustrating sometimes when you can't express yourself properly. On the bright side I get the Christian holidays off, even if I don’t really know what ‘Palm Sunday’ is.

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